Use Russell T. Davies as Brookhaven's visual reference?
Can Faction Hollywood be fleshed out to any real extent without risking libel suits and getting cancelled?
"Hollywood had been cut off from the rest of the world... by the walls of broken discard culture which had been accumulating there ever since the 1920's". "Hollywood, a town which can be considered the most aggressively superstitious tribal community on Earth".
The GuantletHouse Military academy located below what is now Kobe in the Maiji period, (1850).
Specifically chosen because the local dismissal of weird activity and behaviour as, "western" and the continued existence of the Shogunate hierarchies.
The .T.T. capsules may have been disguised as part of Commodre Perry's fleet.
During/after the Tokugawa isolation the Hokkaido Ainu hosted a powerful enemy force, (whether this was the enemy leadership itself and or it's, "reps" it's not known or agreed) for a short time passively observing the Timelord's Guantlet facility. (Is there anything in Ainu beliefs this could be referencing or is used elsewhere?).
Indirectly referenced, (hinted at in several, "additional" .G.C.I. Processor scenes) due to Cwej's interference and or the malfunctioning .G.C.I. Processor).
One of the Wartime powers left the Celestis meme mine in Hollywood.
Hollow SpectacularsThe, "witches" are Mal'akh with an oriental design?
Mount Usu Duel Brookhaven knew who Cwej was or at least his name.
Lolita has been mutated with Yssgaroth taint, a .T.T. capsule Mal'akh. Probably self inflicted for some reason, (either seeking enhancements or it's Timelord's enmy symbolism) and the taint isn't all that difficult to find. The drilling project in, "Head of State" would be sufficient to get more ooze.
The Order of the white Peacock's presence in the movie is unexplained. Due to being inserted by the malfunctioning .G.C.I. Processor or that specific information/dialogue/scenes deleted by someone, (possibly the enemy) for some unknown reason.
The Ainu are enemy associated? Do their beliefs contain anything whomever wrote them would have used? They were included by Brookhaven or the malfunctioning .G.C.I. Projector as generic Hollywood natives.
The enemy, (Gods of the Ainu) appears as an absence similar to the Kaiwar entity but both Cwej and Brookhaven are appalled at the sight of it. It's voice is deafeningly loud but not angry.
"Who's future diid you steal?". Either the enemy is making a jab at Hollywood or the message isn't meant for them.
"The aesthetic's lost. When the coherency's broken anything can happen. When anything can happen then anuything can get in. Don't you know that by now?". So Cwej's interference/unbalancing the narrative enabled it to manifest.
Cwej pretty much confirms it's the enemy.
The absence, (the enemy) expands and either consumes or destoys Brookhaven. Possible through contact?
The something coming up from beneath the ground is a Guantlet reference/representation but it's never shown.
Harvey, Hermes"It's the coolest character who wins", Brookhaven.
"The coolest charatcer is the one whose face you never get to see", the enemy.
"the Sourge" = "and the Scourge, (who's face tellingly remained perpetually hidden behind a silk veil)".
More proof that The Order/Cult of the White Peacock is enemy associated?
"Hermes". The black sun alchemy symbol is also one of the essential keys in the art of Hermes, the necessity of the living to revive the dead. The enemy wants to revive something or someone dead? Also vulgar gold is considered dead so the golden robed enemy in .8.D.A. Alien Bodies are dead or is that a coincidence?
So not just edgelord talk but possibly references?
The Mystery of Edwin Brood"unless of course the Faction's prison has ceased to have any foundation in actuality and become, (like the house of the Grandfather or the ulterior worlds of the Celestis) a state of being rather then a location". I don't know what but there's something about this. House of the Grandfather does that mean the Day Empire reference or did he alter time state the physical Paradox house aswell?
Order of the White PeacockNo genuine members left by the 1950s? Not in actuality. Fictionalised then ionised or absorbed by the enemy?
Is to Hollywood evil/villain symbolism what Transylvania is to vampires.
"the same kind of shock and terror that a character in a short story might feel if he were suddenly and unexpectedly exposed to the plot of a full length novel"< Could someone please explain this one?
May of originated the idea for Faction Hollywood's Production Hell prison.
Responsible for pulp villians including the Scourge mentioned above.
Rough idea: They started out as the usual contrarian Yezidi subgroup, (or, "Dark sect") then there was some kind of visual contact or vision of the Timelords which led to them choosing to, "worship" the enemy which eventually degenerated into a love of the great and occult power of being an enemy. Then in the 1950's the enemy turned up and fictionalised then ionised or absorbed them? And they've effectively been enemy agents ever since. Devil Slayer of Souls by Robert <Hermetic? Hell"In these cases it's the anxiety of what the footage might contain which is all important". This anxiety over what might be there and the resulting importance give to what is, "missing" is referenced in, "The Book of the War” as being the existence context vital to understanding the enemy's nature, reinforced by the referred to missing entries by their nature and that they either directly relate to: the enemy, (ie: The Gods of the Ainu and S'tanim) and or their possible capabilities, (ie: Violent Unknown Events, Mohandassa, and Sixth Wave Defections).
Chad Vandemeer (1952-Present)Okay if Russell T. Davies is Brookhaven who's this guy? ... Mark Gattis.
The .G.C.I. Processor, (Celestis meme mine) was found in an .U.P.N. Central Properties Store Room No.17* maybe locked into moments of absolute disaster.
*= Does this place exist?
What did we learn about the enemy?97.During/after the Tokugawa isolation the Hokkaido Ainu hosted a powerful enemy force, (whether this was the enemy leadership itself and or it's, "reps" it's not known or agreed) for a short time passively observing the Timelord's Gauntlet facility.
98.Was able to manifest during the Hollywood Bowl shooting due to the aesthetic and coherency being broken.
98.Appears as an absence in recordings with a deafeningly loud but not angry voice, (sensory and film).
99.One visual form both Cwej and Brookhaven found appalling to look at.
100.It's motivation may involve a stolen future.
101.Tries to sound impressive and edgey.
102.Has links to the order/Cult of the White Peacock. May have absorbed/ficitonalised them?
103.Can directly consume or kill someone. But only through contact?
104.May want to revive something or someone dead/may consider themselves dead?
105.May have erased the Through The Eye of Eternity episode, "Miss Hiroshima".
106.Maybe have some association with the colour brown?